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  • Writer's pictureDusty Lombardo


Updated: Oct 24, 2021

Things that arrived at my house this week.

so this is starting.

I keep avoiding the feeling that this city is spitting me out. Or really is unlivable. Not even about the money but the humanity and ‘condition’ here. I love this place beyond belief..and the ocean that secures itself along its western edge..but it’s a fickle lover this town.

The day after the scaffolding arrived I was up way too early (5 am)..drinking my coffee on the couch I hear a saw start up with piercing loud metal cutting sounds. Because of the scaffolding and the decibels I went to check. Sparks. The front of a tire. I see the guy whipping around checking over his shoulder as he keeps working the saw. I mean it’s early and this sound is definitely intrusive to the whole block. I watch for a few seconds trying to figure it out and realize he is cutting metal (probably a lock?) off a motorcycle wheel that is half strung into the street. Porch light bulb is out so I can't flip it to alert him of ‘me’ and my view. So I step out onto my porch with a ‘hey - what’s going on’? I mean - what are you supposed to say in these moments? Excuse me - it’s 5:30 in the morning - are you stealing that motorcycle? Whipping his masked face around he shot off an annoyed ‘whaaat - I lost my key‘. Like I had just asked the stupidest most obvious question ever. Maybe I did. Ok. I go back inside - not calling the cops - because it’s just property right? But what if it was mine? He keeps sawing. Within a minute he is done and I see him balance the helmet on top of his head - squeezing it at his temples just enough so it won’t fall off. He pushes the bike downhill - hops on (not running) and is gone. Well - that’s done. I think it belongs to my neighbor two doors around the corner. I guess they will figure it out. Definitely not posting about it on Next Door because I'm sure I will get unleashed on in ways I could never predict.

Somehow this just seems like a normal part of the city scape. The lawlessness part.

My other neighbor told me that she had called the cops three times. That there was actually two of them, that they were there at 2 am, coming back and forth and that they were stashing their tools which included a machete in my neighbors planter box. It wasn't even a super high end motorbike. Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t come off my porch that morning.

I have a new book collection. These arrived at the house too.

Day after the saw incident I’m walking my dog to the car. Across the street a vehicle is running and also blocking my neighbors driveway. I see a figure slumped over sideways, looking a little pale and crumpled over the armrest and console of his car. I put my dog in the car and go back for my bag - prepping myself to go knock on the window and see if the person has succumbed to the fumes. I really don't want to see a dead body this morning but I should knock and check - I keep telling myself. As I’m walking back I see he is up - my neighbor had probably alerted him - I see her garage is open. I get in my car and start the workday. Just another normal city scene. Somehow these scenes just go by and rarely give me pause anymore. Though I definitely notice but it's just constant here.

next entry will be joyous. I promise.

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